Starbotton, North Yorkshire

We planned a good walk for Sunday and decided we would set off along the Wharf Valley, upstream to the village of Starbotton, around 2.5 miles away. The weather seemed more settled and showed some promise.

There were even some folk bathing in the river just downstream of the bridge.

I am never tired of looking at the dry stone walls and field barns in this part of the world.

The weather ensured an ever changing pattern of light and shade on the landscape.

The Village of Starbotton

Our first view of Starbotton (above) …and our planned route back, on the hillside beyond the village.

Looking back along the river
The Footbridge at Starbotton

After crossing the River Wharf by the footbridge, we wandered around the very pretty village. The weather was getting warm so we took the opportunity to have a short rest and water before continuing.

As we had been warned, the climb out of the village was very steep and we needed to stop frequently to take photos (and get our breath back).

We seemed to be climbing constantly for ages, but the views were beautiful with the changing light on the hillsides and a few sheep for company.

“My sister is a mountain goat”

Our route took us a good way towards the summit of Tor Mere Top, before turning downhill and a slightly more gradual descent back to Kettlewell.

The campsite, from above.

Passing along a couple of roads in Kettlewell village we had not done previously, we came across this picture of a bird, carved into a stone lintel, and some swallows nesting on top of a security light in a house porch, before crossing Kettlewell Beck and returning to Fufu.

This is the route we followed; a really good walk, just under 10km.

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