Spain Trip 9: Moraira, Jávea and Cap de la Nau

Sunday 24th December 2023

Again making use of the hire car, we explored a little up the coast to the north east.


Judging by the size of the boats in the marina, the small town of Moraira is clearly up-market. It is another picturesque spot with a nice promenade and a castle.

Moraira Castle, which is directly next to the beach
Boats in the marina, Moraira
Looking back towards Calpe
A huge bronze sculpture which relates to surviving Covid 19
Outside one of the cafes

It being Christmas eve, the town was visited by a very large number of bikers, dressed up as Santas on tinsel-decorated motorbikes.

Jávea (or Xàbia)

Moving further up the coast, we explored the larger town of Jávea, where we treated ourselves to an excellent meal in a sea-front restaurant. The three course meal, which included a bottle of wine between two, cost about 22€ per head.

View from our restaurant table
Looking towards the harbour
The harbour entrance lighthouse, as seen through a fish

The hill on the far side of the town, appears to have a series of towers built along the ridge. These are not defensive towers, but are The “Molins de la Plana”. The word “molins” is Catalan for “mills”. They were built there because of the almost constant wind from the south-west and were used for milling flour. There are 11 mills and they date from the 14th to the 17th centuries.

The sea-front at Jávea

There was a small local crafts fair in progress on the sea front:

Cap de la Nau

On our way back to Calpe, we visited the Cap de la Nau which is a headland with a lighthouse built on it.

Cap de la Nau Lighthouse

There is a restaurant behind the lighthouse which was closed (presumably for the season), but the area is recognised as a sanctuary for cats. It seems they are protected and locals come along to feed them.

The views from the top are terrific:

Looking north(ish)
Looking south-west(ish)

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