Spain Trip 10: Calpe, on Christmas Day

Monday 25th December 2023

We had decided to stay in Calpe for Christmas Day, so around lunch-time, we went for a wander down to the sea-front.

Fufu and Homer on the Cámping Calpe Mar site
Understandably, the construction workers were having a day off behind the camping site

It seemed surreal to see people dressed in Santa and elf costumes having a picnic on the beach.

Is this the Hulk or the Grinch?

It seems that the thing for everyone to do on Christmas Day, is to promenade on the …err promenade. At times, the path became very crowded; we were surprised at how many people there were there.

We managed to find a sea-front bar with some space, where we chilled for a while before returning to the motorhomes for lunch.

A fine, shared Christmas meal, was eaten outside (not something I have ever done before).

That evening after dusk, Alison and I went for a walk around Calpe to walk-off our Christmas pudding. Firstly along the sea-front:

Then up into the old-town:

There is still part of the original defensive walls of the town visible. Inside, there is a church, built into the walls.

Torreó de la Peça
Behind the Torreó de la Peça
Modern entrance to the church which forms part of the old defensive walls
The Spanish Flag Steps, Calpe
Mural and shrine, part-way up the Spanish Flag Steps
At the top of the Spanish Flag Steps
The old public clothes washing place. Alison and Michelle need not have queued for the machines on site.

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